Saturday, May 28, 2016

Table Setup & Mission Rules: Part 5 (Revised)

While working on the next section, I got very tired of typing "Cover Fortification" and "Entanglement Fortification" over and over again.

So now they're called "Barricades" and "Entanglements", which I think is much easier on the eyes.

I also had forgotten to mention that both types of Fortification could be placed across roads, or touching other terrain pieces. So I added that in and enhanced the explanation for why Entanglements aren't easier to destroy than Barricades.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Table Setup & Mission Rules: Part 5

Mom's out of the hospital, and the house guests have departed, so I've finally gotten a quiet afternoon to write. This should finish up the rules on Fortifications. Next up is the Mission Types, which will determine, among other things, what combination of Obstacles/Fortifications each side will get to use in a game.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Table Setup & Mission Rules: Part 4

Well, it's been a rough week (had to hospitalize my Mom, which is ongoing), but here's the next two pages of setup/mission rules. These cover player-placed obstacles, and start the introduction of player-placed fortifications. The general idea being that after you set up your major terrain pieces, you'll roll your mission, and then be able to set up some additional scenery. Whether you get to set up Obstacles, Fortifications, or both, will depend on the mission type. We'll cover that in the next couple of pages.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Table Setup & Mission Rules: Part 3

And... Here's two more pages. Covering how to determine who the Attacker/Defender is, Deployment Zones, and Objective size/placement/decoration.

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